Seafood Seasonality Guide

When you shop for seafood at a grocery store or supermarket, ask for locally-caught seafood that’s in season - it encourages fish buyers to source from Monterey Bay fishermen and strengthens our local food system.

We’ve put together a Seasonality Guide so you know when your favorite seafood is in season. Download + Print the guide , and keep it in your kitchen or on refrigerator so you can quick-reference it for your grocery list.

Seasonal Buying tips:

  1. When you go shopping, be sure to only ask for species that are in season that month.

  2. If they don’t have it, the fish buyer at your grocery store or fish market should be able to find what you’re asking for by contacting a local seafood wholesaler.

  3. Avoid asking for fish that’s not in season - if you do, fish buyers may buy farmed or imported species to fulfill your request.
