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MBFT E-mail Lists

Archived Issues

February 2025: Salmon relief update, upcoming salmon pre-season meetings, new reports on groundfish outlook and fleet decarbonization, and more

January 2025: OPC discussions about our region, new groundfish regulations and compliance guides, MAP collaborative meeting, and more

December 2024: NOAA survey on marine mammal deterrents, upcoming FGC meeting, 2022 report of US fisheries data, and more

November 2024: New funding opportunities, CDFW’s new MPA petition process, public comment, upcoming meetings, and more

October 2024: Upcoming 30x30 public comment period, domoic acid testing, PFMC meeting recap, upcoming FGC meeting and more

September 2024: The upcoming MBFT Anniversary celebration, MREP applications, groundfish reopening, and more

August 2024: MREP Applications are open, extension for groundfish management action, and more

July 2024: PFMC’s decision on the MBNMS deep sea coral study, upcoming MPA petitions, a salmon smolt release, and more

June 2024: June PFMC meeting info, proposed dungeness crab regulatory changes, potential closures based on a deep sea coral study, and more

May 2024: All about the 2024 salmon season closure, potential regulatory shifts for dungeness crab, a special AMSEA training opportunity, succession planning, and more.

April 2024: Updates on Dungeness Crab Season Closure, Salmon Season, Groundfish Restrictions, and More

March 2024: Emergency Groundfish Closure Details and Map, Coral Restoration Proposals, Upcoming Salmon Meeting Dates, and More

February 2024: CDFW Emergency Proposed Action on Groundfish Management, Offshore Wind Webinar, Upcoming Salmon Meetings and More

January 2024: Offshore Wind Notice of Intent and public meetings, Salmon season meetings, Groundfish trip limits, and more.

December 2023: Salmon Disaster Funding, PFMC Decision Summary, Nearshore Groundfish, and 2023 Crab Season.

November 2023: Dungeness crab season delay, last PFMC meeting of the year, nearshore fishery closure.

October 2023: Welcome to the fall 2023 management season updates such as quillback closures and upcoming meetings.

September 2023 Buoy Bulletin: September PFMC meeting, a salmon advisory meeting, and lots of informational webinars to attend.

August 2023 Buoy Bulletin: Quillback rockfish retention changes, climate and fisheries webinars, upcoming meetings and more.

July 2023: Stay up to date on regulatory changes, meetings and more.

June 2023: MREP workshop, next PFMC meeting, salmon disaster relief, and more.

May 2023: Salmon season closure notice, salmon disaster relief, CA halibut regulation, and more.

April 2023: Dungeness crab fishery closure notice, collaborative research opportunity, 2023 salmon outlook, and more.

March 2023: 30x30 webinar meeting, upcoming PFMC meeting, groundfish management links, and more.

February 2023: Salmon season meeting schedule, fisheries loans, offshore wind updates, and more.

January 2023: Crab season info, MBFT’s lost gear recover video, quota leasing application request, and more.

December 2022: Coastal fishing communities policy workshop, California commerical fishing gear innovation, and more.

November 2022: Dungeness crab risk management, upcoming offshore wind meetings, and more.

October 2022: Non-Trawl RCA adjustments, Salmon regulations, and more.

September 2022: PFMC Council meeting, MREP Applications

August 2022: Commercial Fishing Gear Innovations workshop, Local Catch Seafood Summit

July 2022: CA Fish and Game Commission meeting, and more

June 2022: PFMC meeting begins June 8th, BOEM meeting, and more

May 2022: CA EFP guide, PFMC year at a glance, 30X30, searching for a new executive director

April 2022: PFMC meeting, status reports on CA Halibut and a potential CA Fishing Communities Policy, Lost Gear Recovery, funding opportunities, meetings and conferences, and more

March 2022: PFMC meeting, Rep. Panetta, salmon forecasts, MREP, SC Fishermen’s Association mtg, Lost Gear, CA fishing community policy, 30x30, and more

February 2022: MREP, Gear Innovations, 30x30 and Humboldt Wind Energy, Quota Leasing, and more

January 2021: New team member, MREP dates, opportunities for public comment, cooperative research, and more

December 2021: Opportunities to provide public comment, Council meeting update, Value-Added Grant Webinar, and more

November 2021: PFMC Meeting, CARES 2, Zeke Grader Forum, CA FarmLink’s Resilerator Course, and more

October 2021: CARES 2, Fishing Vessel Drill Conductor Training, MPA community meetings, Scale Your Catch, and more

September 2021: PFMC meeting, Halibut Management Webinars, Public Comment Deadlines for 30x30 and Offshore Wind, nominations for Dungeness Crab Working Group, and several meetings

August 2021: Halibut management webinars, Council updates, MPA decadal review, MSA Reauthorization, Offshore Wind public comments, Critical habitat for orcas and more

July 2021: Federal Fisheries Assistance, PFMC Appointees, Offshore Wind, Opportunities to Share Your Stories, and more

June 2021: June Council meeting, COVID-19 Fisheries Assistance, Business Technical Assistance Toolkit, welcome Noah Strouse, and more

May 2021: COVID-19 Relief, Local Catch Guide, MREP, Legislative Updates, Upcoming Meetings and Deadlines

April 2021: Council meeting, Non-Trawl RCA, Lost Gear, Upcoming Meetings, and more

March 2021: March PFMC meeting, Salmon Information Meeting, Opening the Non-Trawl RCA, CA Bills to Follow, COVID-19 Relief, Surveys, Lost Gear Recovery, and more

February 2021: Executive Order on Climate Crisis, Offshore Wind, COVID impacts, and more

January 2021: COVID-19 Stimulus Package, Young Fisherman's Development Act, New Rule Changes, and more

December 2021 - COVID-19 Stimulus Package, Young Fishermen’s Development Act, Amendment 29, MSA Reauthorization, and more.

November 2020 - November PFMC meeting, Dungeness Crab info, Current Relief Programs, Upcoming Meetings

October 2020 - 2021-2022 Harvest Specifications, Seafood Trade Relief Program, Central Coast Offshore Wind Energy, Upcoming meetings and events.

Supplemental September Buoy Bulletin | Correction to VMS Reminder, Monterey Bay Salmon and Trout Project GoFundMe.

September 2020 - PFMC meeting, VMS reminder, events and more.

August 2020 - 2020 updates for COVID-19 resources, upcoming meetings, and community stories.

July 2020 - Fisheries management meeting recaps and quick links, covid-19 updates, climate change and our community.

June 2020 - PFMC meeting, Pay Check Protection Program update, Webinar, and more.

May 2020 - A Guide to Dock Sales, King Salmon maketing campaign, today’s Herald story, community Facebook page, and more.

April 2020 - COVID-19 resources and updates, April PFMC meeting, collaborative research opportunities, and more.

March 2020 - Keep track of upcoming salmon meetings, join our lost gear recovery team, catch up on non-trawl RCA discussions and more.

February 2020 - Community meeting announcement, March PFMC meeting, 2020 Salmon Season Meetings, and more.

January 2020 - Happy New Year! Join us for a Fishing Community Meeting on the 29th, Follow the PFMC Advisory Committee Meetings, and more.

December 2019 - Lost Gear Recovery , Net Your Problem, Get Hooked Restaurant Week, upcoming meetings, and more.

November 2019 - Last PFMC meeting of the year, management updates for 2020, grant opportunities, and more.

October 2019 - Commission Meeting, PFMC Ad-Hoc Meetings, CA Legislation Update, and more.

September 2019 - PFMC Meeting, CA Legislation, Fishing Community Meeting Invitation

August 2019 - Get Hooked Santa Cruz, CFG Commission, CDFW Public Hearings

July 2019 - Scholarship Opportunities, MREP Application, NOAA Adopts Rules For EM

June 2019 - CDFW Commission Mtg, PFMC Mtg And Public Hearings, Local Fishermen Assns

May 2019 - Lost Gear Recovery Project, PFMC Meet-N-Greet In Moss Landing, CA Dungy Working Group

April 2019 - Dungeness Crab Updates, Salmon Season TBD At PFMC, NOAA Seeking Input

March 2019 - Live Stream PFMC Mtg, 2019 Salmon Resources, Community Spotlight

February 2019 - Takeaways From Meet-N-Greet, Public Comment For Wharf II, E-Tix

January 2019 - Rockfish Supply Needed, PFMC Rep Meet-N-Greets, Diversify your market

December 2018 - Get Hooked Restaurant Week, Remembering Robert Chatham, Loan Opportunities

November 2018 - E-Tix Update, Fish For Rockfish Or Sablefish?, Fish 2.0 - Apply!

October 2018 - Calendar Updates + Deadlines

September 2018 - Ask And You Shall Receive!!