Resources for Seafood Businesses
David Toriumi of the F/V Grinder
These resources are intended to help you and your business navigate safety and business planning during COVID-19.
COVID-19 Safety Requirements in the Maritime Transportation System, February 1, 2021
COVID-19 Direct Sales Best Practices, Gulf of Maine Research Institute
Food Safety and COVID-19, FDA resources available to industry members and consumers on COVID-19 and food safety.
Facts about Food Safety and COVID-19, Alaska Seafood
National Fisheries Institute Statement on the Safety of Seafood from the United States, June 22, 2020
Seafood Safety FAQs, Information for consumers
The U.S. Coast Guard is conducting virtual Commercial Fishing Vessel Safety (CFVS) exams to minimize the risk of spreading COVID-19. Contact Manny Ramirez : (415) 399-7310 for Monterey, Moss Landing, Santa Cruz, HMB, San Francisco, and Bodega Bay. Read the flyer here.
Business Planning
Tips for Managing Risk and Uncertainty in Your Fishing Business, AK Sea Grant, March 27th
Other Resources
Sustainable Fisheries Partnership has a list of resources related to COVID-19 and seafood businesses