The PFMC is one of eight regional fishery management councils established by Congress in 1976. The Council advises NOAA on the management of salmon, groundfish, coastal pelagic species, and highly migratory species in the U.S. West Coast Exclusive Economic Zone (3-200 nautical miles). The Council has 14 voting representatives from Oregon, Washington, California, and Idaho. The Council and its advisory subcommittees represent the state, tribal, wildlife agencies, recreational and commercial fisheries, and marine conservation interests. The Council meets five times each year, and each meeting spans up to a week. Public participation is strongly encouraged.
Read MoreCalifornia has four National Marine Sanctuaries off its coast. Each sanctuary has its own community-based advisory council that advises the sanctuary superintendent on priority issues, including management, science, service, and stewardship. The advisory councils exchange information on issues affecting the sanctuary and provide a forum for stakeholder engagement.
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