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Southern California Aquaculture Opportunity Area Scoping Meeting

Open to all stakeholders interested in providing input on the scope and recommended issues to be analyzed in the programmatic environmental impact statement (PEIS) for the Southern California Aquaculture Opportunity Area (AOA).


Two virtual public scoping meetings will be held on June 27 (12:00 pm - 2:00 pm PST) and July 11 (5:00 pm - 7:00 pm PST), during which the public can provide oral comments. Information on how to call-in or log-in to these online meetings can be found below:

Call-in information

Toll Free Number: 888-673-9785
Audience passcode: 5831012
Conference number: PWXW2725139
Audience passcode: 5831012


NOAA Fisheries West Coast Region is publishing a Notice of Intent (NOI) to prepare a Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (PEIS) for the proposed identification of one or more Aquaculture Opportunity Areas (AOAs) to be located in Federal waters off the coast of Southern California. The proposed action is a planning action and does not include any activity that would require a permit or authorization as part of planning. Visit the West Coast Region’s AOA landing page for more information on this process.

In addition to receiving written comments, NOAA Fisheries will seek input by hosting two virtual public scoping meetings to gather input from stakeholders on the proposed action. The comments received during these scoping meetings will play a key role in 1) informing the scope of the PEIS and 2) helping to identify significant issues to be analyzed in the PEIS.

Please refer to the Notice of Intent for a detailed list of the types of information, data, views, analysis, alternatives, or suggestions that would be helpful to include in your comments to NOAA Fisheries.