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Groundfish Management Team online work session

The Pacific Fishery Management Council’s Groundfish Management Team (GMT) will hold a work session that is open to the public. The online meeting will be held Tuesday, January 18, 2022, through Friday, January 21, 2022, starting at 8 a.m. Pacific Standard Time and ending when business has been completed for each day.

Purpose of the meeting

The primary purpose of the GMT meeting is to develop and review analyses for the 2023-2024 harvest specifications and routine management measures for consideration by the Pacific Council at its March and April 2022 meetings.  The GMT will also consider new management measures proposed by the Pacific Council at their November 2021 meeting, such as potential changes to shortbelly rockfish management and reconfiguration of Groundfish Conservation Area boundaries.  The GMT may also address other groundfish, Pacific halibut, and administrative agenda items scheduled for the March Pacific Council meeting.  A detailed agenda will be available on the Pacific Council’s website prior to the meeting.  No management actions will be decided by the GMT.

Meeting materials


More information can be found at: