Due to the COVID-19 public health orders, and in accordance with the Governor’s Executive Orders N-29-20 and N-33-20, this meeting will be held remotely by teleconference.
To join the meeting via Zoom or by phone, please click here to register.
OPC is committed to ensuring that our public meetings are accessible and that members of the public can participate by providing written and oral comment on Council matters. For instructions on public participation in OPC virtual meetings, click here and see below.
Wade Crowfoot, Secretary for Natural Resources, Council Chair
Jared Blumenfeld, Secretary for Environmental Protection
Betty Yee, State Controller, Chair of the State Lands Commission
Ben Allen, State Senator
Mark Stone, State Assemblymember
Michael Brown, Public Member
Jordan Diamond, Public Member
1. Welcome, Introductions and Council Member Announcements
Secretary Crowfoot, Council Chair
2. Introduction and Report from the Executive Director
Mark Gold, Executive Director
3. Report from the Science Advisor
Liz Whiteman, Executive Director, Ocean Science Trust
Advancing Strategic Plan Goal 1: Safeguard Coastal and Marine Ecosystems and Communities in the Face of Climate Change
4. Informational and Action Items: Update from Ocean Acidification and Hypoxia (OAH) Science Task Force and Consideration of Authorization to Disburse Funds for Application of Integrated Earth System Model to Assess OAH
4a. Recommendations for Enhancing California’s OAH Monitoring Network, Steve Weisberg, Southern California Coastal Water Research Project
4b. Application of Integrated Earth System Model to Assess Anthropogenic Nutrient Impacts on OAH, Justine Kimball, Senior Program Manager
5. Action Item: Consideration of Authorization to Disburse Funds for a Coastwide Inventory of Wetlands, Rivers, and Streams
Chris Potter, Program Manager
Advancing Strategic Plan Goals 2 and 3: Advance Equity Across Ocean and Coastal Policies and Actions; Enhance Coastal and Marine Biodiversity
6. Action Item: Consideration of Authorization to Disburse Funds for Marine Protected Areas Monitoring and Outreach
6a. Tribal Marine Stewards Network Pilot Program, Mike Esgro, Program Manager
6b. Communications Strategy for 2022 Adaptive Management Review, Tova Handelman, Senior Program Manager
7. Action Item: Consideration of Authorization to Disburse Funds to Reduce the Risk of Whale and Sea Turtle Entanglement in Fishing Gear
Paige Berube, Program Manager
8. Action Item: Consideration of Authorization to Disburse Funds for a Statewide Kelp Recovery Research Program
Mike Esgro, Program Manager
9. Action Item: Consideration of Authorization to Disburse Funds to Address Microplastics in Coastal and Marine Ecosystems
Holly Wyer, Program Manager
9a. Identification of sources and pathways for microplastics in stormwater
9b. Efficacy of microplastic removal from various wastewater treatment methods
Communications Hub for California’s Coast and Ocean Science, Management and Policy Efforts
10. Action Item: Consideration of Authorization to Disburse Funds for Development and Implementation of a Communication Strategy for OPCWhitney Berry, Program Manager
11. Public Comment on Non-Agenda Items
12. Arrangements for Next Meeting and AdjournmentSeptember 17, location TBD
Agenda items may be re-ordered at the discretion of the Council Chair.
Providing Public Comment:
Written Comments: Written comments should be sent to COPCpublic@resources.ca.gov by 5pm on June 17, 2020. If you are writing about an item on the Council’s agenda, please include the item number in the email subject line. If you are writing with a general comment, please include a brief title for your comment.
Oral Comments: For each item on the agenda and at the end of the public meeting on non-agenda items, the OPC Chair will ask whether there are any requests for public comment. If you want to provide oral comments on a specific agenda item, you will need to “Raise your hand” during the Zoom meeting. *If calling into the meeting from a telephone, you can use “Star (*) 9” to raise/ lower your hand.
Once your hand is raised and it is your turn to speak, the meeting facilitator will unmute you, announce your name, and you will be able to make your public comment to the Council. *Depending on how you have called in, you may also need to unmute yourself.
A speaker’s time allotment is at the discretion of the Chair but generally limited to three minutes. It is strongly recommended, though not required, that public comments be submitted in writing beforehand so they can be distributed to all Council members for review prior to the meeting. After your public comment, your hand will be lowered and you will be placed back on mute.
Questions about the meeting or agenda can be directed to Jenn Eckerle at jenn.eckerle@resources.ca.gov.
Any person who has a disability and requires accommodation to participate in this council meeting should contact Ms. Eckerle no later than five days prior to the meeting.