Pacific Fishery Management Council to Hold Meeting in September 2018 to Adopt Management Measures for Ocean Fisheries
CONTACT: Mr. Chuck Tracy August 1, 2018 503‐820‐2280 or 866‐806‐7204 Fax: 503‐820‐2299
The Pacific Fishery Management Council (Council) and its advisory bodies will meet September 5‐12, 2018 in Seattle, Washington to address issues related to groundfish, salmon, coastal pelagic species (CPS), highly migratory species (HMS), and ecosystem‐based management. The meeting of the Council and its advisory entities will be held at the Doubletree by Hilton Hotel Seattle Airport, 18740 International Blvd., Seattle, Washington 98188; telephone, 206‐246‐8600.
Key agenda items for the meeting include Council considerations to:
Adopt Preliminary HMS Biennial Harvest Specifications and Management Measures.
Adopt a Revised Swordfish Monitoring and Management Plan for Public Review.
Adopt Final Recommendations on HMS Non‐Deep‐Set Buoy Gear Exempted Fishing Permits
Scope the 5‐Year Review of the Fishery Ecosystem Plan and Provide Guidance on the Next
Steps for the Climate and Communities Initiative.
Identify Final Topics for the 2018 Salmon Methodology Review.
Adopt Preliminary Changes to the 2019 Halibut Catch Sharing Plan and Annual Regulations
for Public Review.
Adopt a Range of Alternatives for CPS Amendment 17, Live Bait Fishery Allowance.
Adopt Final Terms of Reference for Groundfish and CPS Stock Assessments.
Adopt a Preliminary Preferred Alternative for the Groundfish Trawl 5‐Year Catch Share
Program Review Follow‐On Actions.
Adopt Final Recommendations on Continuing the Midwater Trawl and Gear EFP and on
Salmon Bycatch Provisions in New EFPs.
Adopt Final Inseason Adjustments for 2018 Groundfish Fisheries as Necessary to Achieve
but Not Exceed Annual Catch Limits and Other Management Objectives.
Adopt Final Recommendations on the Electronic Monitoring Cost Allocation Procedural
Adopt a Final Research and Data Needs Document.
A schedule of advisory body meetings is provided on the last pages of the attached proposed agenda. Copies of briefing materials prepared for the meeting can be found on our by Monday, August 20, 2018.
The meeting of the Pacific Fishery Management Council will also be streamed live on the internet. The broadcasts begin at 10 a.m. Pacific Time (PT) Friday, September 7, 2018 and continue daily at 8 a.m. through Wednesday, September 12, 2018. Broadcasts end daily at 5:00 p.m. PDT or when business for the day is complete. Only the audio portion and presentations displayed on the screen at the Council meeting will be broadcast. The audio portion is listen‐only; you will be unable to speak to the Council via the broadcast. To access the meeting online, please use the following link:‐webinar and enter the September Webinar ID, 530‐089‐227, and your email address. You can attend the webinar online using a computer, tablet, or smart phone, using the GoToMeeting application. It is recommended that you use a computer headset to listen to the meeting, but you may use your telephone for the audio portion only of the meeting. The audio portion may be attended using a telephone by dialing the toll number +1 (562) 247‐8321 (not a toll‐free number), audio access code 240‐052‐611, and entering the audio pin shown after joining the webinar.
Meeting Arrangements and Public Comment Guidelines
All meetings are open to the public, except for a closed executive session scheduled for 8 a.m. on Friday, September 7 to discuss litigation and personnel matters. For more information on the meetings, refer to the attached proposed detailed agenda. Information is also available on the Council website or by calling the Council office at 503‐820‐2280 or 866‐806‐7204 (toll‐free).
The public is encouraged to comment, either verbally at the meeting or in writing. Timing of agenda items may change as the meeting progresses, and items not completed on the scheduled day will be carried over to later in the meeting, usually the next day.
Oral Public Comments
Oral public comments will be accepted during the meeting prior to action on each agenda item.
Written Public Comments
Written public comments are accepted by the Council via one of the methods described below. The public is encouraged to submit written comments as far in advance of the meeting as possible, either by mail, fax, or email addressed to Electronic copies of written testimony are encouraged, as they facilitate posting to our website.
Comments received by 5 p.m. Thursday, August 9, 2018 will be included in the briefing materials mailed to Council members prior to the meeting. Comments received after August 9 but by 5 p.m. Monday, August 27, 2018 will be distributed to Council members at the onset of the meeting.
Comments received after the 5 p.m., Monday, August 27, 2018 date specified above will not be photocopied and distributed by the Council Staff. If they are emailed after that date, you will receive an auto‐notification that the comments cannot be processed at this time, and you will need to re‐submit your comments if you want them considered at a future council meeting.
Late comments received after the 5 p.m., August 27, 2018 date specified above are required to be in support of oral testimony, and individuals need to hand deliver their comments (preferably in an electronic format) to the Council Secretariat (Cascade 1/2 Room) at the Doubletree by Hilton Hotel Seattle Airport, no later than 5 p.m. the day before the corresponding agenda item is scheduled on the Council’s agenda. These submissions should include the submitter’s name, the Council agenda item number, and the Council meeting month and year. They will be posted on the Council’s website.
The public should be aware that the Council may not have time to thoroughly review extensive written comments submitted at the meeting. The Council’s advisory bodies may not have a chance to review such comment. The Council will not pay for comments transmitted to the meeting hotel. Comments submitted that are not in support of the oral testimony may be re‐submitted for consideration at a future Council meeting.
This meeting is open to the public and is physically accessible to people with disabilities. Requests for sign language interpretation or other auxiliary aids should be directed to Mr. Kris Kleinschmidt at 503‐820‐2411 or 866‐806‐7204, ext. 411, at least ten business days prior to the meeting date.
To receive this notice in the future via email, sign up for the “PFMC E‐Mail Notification List” at:‐up‐for‐newsletter‐and‐mailing‐lists/